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Nathan Tan Yew Wai

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Nathan Tan Yew Wai (b. 1995, Singapore) is an artist, printmaker, and freshwater aquarist known for his evocative exploration of Singapore's freshwater bodies, natural landscapes, and ecosystems. His practice is deeply rooted in capturing the subtle trace of human presence in overlooked corners of the city, employing methods ranging from found objects to underwater documentation and observation. Through his proficient and stylistically varied printmaking and mixed media print techniques, Nathan offers audiences windows into his ecosystemic narratives, addressing environmental and anthropological concerns with sensitivity and depth.

Nathan holds a Diploma in Fine Art, specializing in Drawing and Printmaking, from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. Following his studies, he served as the Printmaking Technical Officer at the institution’s Faculty of Arts and Design for two years. Drawing on his experience as a Gallery Intern at the STPI Creative Workshop & Gallery, where he was involved in Education & Outreach Programmes, has further enriched his practical knowledge, technical skills, and artistic insight.

His artwork has been featured in solo and group exhibitions in various international locations, including Thailand, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Japan, and Singapore. These exhibitions have been hosted at venues such as INSTINC Space, S.E.A. Aquarium, Hearth by Art Outreach, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Gillman Barracks, Aire Place Studios, Grafisch Atelier Den Bosch, and Gmünder Kunstverein, among others. Additionally, his work was selected for inclusion in the core collection of the 8th edition of the Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland in Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania, further expanding the global reach of his artistic vision.

Nathan is currently the recipient of the Tan Chin Tuan Scholarship for his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Fine Art studies with the University of the Arts London at NAFA.

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