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The Blue Existence


The Blue Existence depicts the forced coexistence and extinction of invasive and native species, revealing the impact of human intervention on wildlife. The absence of eyes symbolizes their soullessness, emphasizing the consequences of our actions. By printing the species in reversed, Nathan explores the notions of belonging and survival. Flipping the piece unveils one species triumphing while the other faces demise. This artwork provokes contemplation on the delicate balance between existence and annihilation in the natural world.

The Blue Existence 


3-Colour Screen-print on Plywood, Diptych

83 x 58.8 cm


Introduction to Blue explores Nathan's lifelong passion for fishkeeping and its transformation into his art practice. Selecting three species he first kept, the arrangement represents the harmful act of releasing non-native species into our waters. This artwork prompts viewers to reflect on the consequences and advocates for the preservation of our native aquatic life.

Introduction to Blue 


3-Colour Screen-print on Salland Paper

76 x 56 cm 


Sealed in Blue


3-Colour Screen-print on Salland Paper

76 x 56 cm 


Sealed in Blue sheds light on the detrimental effects of releasing invasive species into our waters. Focusing on the native species, this artwork underscores the consequences of competition, predation, habitat loss, and environmental disruption. These factors contribute to the endangerment and extinction of our native species. Through boxed borders and a manmade landscape, the artwork serves as a reminder to the public for the importance of safeguarding our own species. 

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